The digital edition of Gospel Light began with volume 18 (published on December 2011) and will be continued in the foreseeable future. However, back-issues are currently available in physical form only.

It is possible to scan past issues, but the resulting file size will be very big. In order to lessen the PDF filesize, we must first convert it to text. We can use optical character recognition (OCR) programs to semi-automate the process. But OCR is still an evolving technology and the output will have quite a lot of mistakes.

Volunteers are needed to process the OCR output, and convert it into a form suitable for digital publishing. OCR is especially weak with regards to Chinese text. If you have the skills and time to do this, please contact us!



志願者們需要處理光學字符識別輸出,並轉化為適合數字出版的形式。 光學字符識別弱尤其是對中國文字的問候。如果你有做到這一點的技能和時間,請聯繫我們!